Lavender Bath Salts 500g 薰衣草浴鹽 500g
Lavender Bath Salts 500g 薰衣草浴鹽 500g
Wind down wonderment
Pushed your body to the max? Feeling super-sore post-workout? Had a looooong hard day? We hear you…
Time to take time out and wind down. Lock the bathroom door. No phone. No disturbances. No notifications. Don’t plan on going anywhere for the next little while. Just you, steamy soaks and a self-care comforting oasis.
Let your body unwind as you wash away the stresses of the day. Think of a faraway oasis escape. Bliss-filled me-time every time you use it. Feel the calm. Exhale and relax.
5 Relaxing reasons to use Lavender Bath Salts:
1. Ease aches and pains: Danced all night? Done a tough workout? Spent too many hours tied to your computer? Our super combo of renowned relaxers Lavender and Magnesium soothes sore muscles
2. Luxe out a little: Slow down and soak. Lavender’s famous cottage garden fragrance and calming capabilities combine to give you cosy plus luxe. Fill the tub. Cue your most meditative playlist. Treat your senses and sore bits to spa-level charm and chill.
3. Sleep like a …. add your cliché of choice… a baby… a log. We say …. like a savvy, super relaxed human who knows a little Lavender-powered pampering is the perfect prep for a good night's sleep.
4. Take a tonic: Add ‘revive and revitalise.’ To the lovely list of ‘r’ words, that go with Lavender Bath Salts. For sure, a sublime soak will relax and restore you, but that’s not all. We’ve added helpful healing magnesium, a renowned restorative tonic for tired bods and souls.
5. Soften your skin: Apply a little bath salt TLC. Gently rub a handful of luscious lavender-scented salt crystals into sore, dry or irritated skin to buff away dry and dull skin. Leaves your skin nourished, smooth and feeling oh-so-soft.
洗去一天的壓力,讓身體得到放鬆。想想遠方的綠洲。每次使用,都是充滿幸福的 "我 "的時光。感受平靜。使用薰衣草浴鹽的 5 個放鬆理由:
1. 緩解酸痛: 跳了一夜舞?做了艱苦的鍛煉?長時間對著電腦?薰衣草和鎂的超級組合能舒緩肌肉酸痛。
2. 奢侈一點: 放慢腳步,盡情浸泡。薰衣草聞名遐邇的農舍花園香味和鎮靜功能相結合,為您帶來舒適加奢華的享受。注滿浴缸。播放您最喜歡的音樂。讓您的感官和酸痛部位享受水療級的魅力和清涼。
3. 睡得像 .... 添加您選擇的陳詞濫調......嬰兒......木頭。我們說,....,就像一個精明、超級放鬆的人,知道一點薰衣草的呵護是一夜好眠的完美準備。
4. 服用滋補品: 在與薰衣草浴鹽搭配的可愛 "r "詞列表中,加上 "revive and revitalise. 這個可愛的 "r "單詞列表中,還有薰衣草浴鹽。當然,浸泡浴鹽可以放鬆身心,恢復活力,但這還不是全部。我們還添加了具有治療作用的鎂元素,這是一種著名的恢復性補劑,能讓疲憊的身體和靈魂恢復活力。
5.軟化肌膚: 塗抹一點浴鹽TLC。在疼痛、乾燥或受刺激的皮膚上輕輕揉搓一把散發著薰衣草香味的鹽晶體,以去除皮膚的干燥和暗沉。讓您的肌膚滋潤、光滑,感覺無比柔軟。
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